Thursday, July 31, 2008

Youth and Beauty


The young are permanently in a state resembling intoxication.
- -
Greek Philosopher Aristotle: Ethics: The Nicomachean Ethics

It seems the persistent pursuit of youth and beauty absorbs many on SOL 3. Now beauty is understandable as throughout the multiverse this is one of the predominant quests and is considered by most to be one of the Prime Pellucid Axiom’s (#16) “Beauty is translucent to the nucleus of self swallow deeply its lucent water flowing to Beauty”. Can you imagine this kind of Beauty?

However youth is enormously unstable and vacillating as the above SOL 3 philosopher
Aristotle sagely indicated. Yet it must be said that youth on SOL 3 are remarkably robust beings as it seems that one must advance beyond to adulthood before they become sentient. I should also indicate the time it takes for youth to become self sufficient is alarming!

In addition it must be elucidated that youth is no guarantor of physically beauty,

The above art depicts the mythical (it seems) SOL 3
Fountain of Youth and it is testimony to this SOL 3 obsession. Notice that the old arrive at the left side of the pool, they enter the waters and when they exit they are youthful. Did you observe how all that enter the waters are female? Why is that?

After departing the pool they are once again given clothing and then it seems they attend a festive dinner party with dance, music and attentive males. Do you see the romantic couple at the bottom right corner snuggling behind the shrubbery?

What does this image-story teach us of SOL 3? Is it an insatiable desire to resemble “intoxication” and lack true self awareness, self sufficiency, responsibility and sentients? The pageantry of those who have been delivered thru these waters indicates the good things of life is one losing a mind back to the times of youth and creating an illusion that death is not on the hunt.

Therefore it seems that this obsessive seeking for youth is not primarily about youth itself but an attempt at eradication of the inevitable expiry that of succumbing to death.

Why this fixated concern about death and attempting to numb the mind as to its unstoppable hunting and slaying?

Physical youth is a condition that will be lost, it is inevitable and death is inescapable as it is a hunter that never wearies. Beauty however can exist at every age. Still for this to be true we must capture the essence of the meaning of beauty.

What is beauty?


Jean-Luc Picard said...

There's a lot to see in that picture. Nowadays the Fountain would be closed on health & safety grounds as no one was wearing a costume.

Max Coutinho said...

Hello EC!

Fascinating image!

Indeed humans are obsessed by beauty and youth. However, beauty is not the same to everybody; i.e. there isn't an universal concept of beauty, although we all know what it looks like...know what I am trying to transmit here?
Let me provide you with some examples: a few years ago, models were incredibly beautiful (nice curvacious bodies, gorgeous faces, a walk like a deer etc); nowadays models are awful (skin-to-the-bone slim; faces with a terrible complexion texture - due to lack of proper nourishment; they aren't chosen by any traces of facial beauty anymore, they are chosen because they weight 40 Kgs; and a walk like they are about to kill somebody)...get the picture?

Youth...ah yes, humans wish to be young forever; and I don't even know why. Youngsters are foolish; their skin is not all that (many have spots, acne issues); puberty is the worse part of human existence; stupidity takes over the youth; anxiety, depression, eargerness, sexual-obsession...
Now, you could say "we are talking about having a younger appearance"...then I would have to say "yes, I know but I had to let it out of my chest!" lol...
Appearance....our natural process is to grow old, our cells grow old...nevertheless we can grow old and still look great! If one takes care of his own health and leads a proper life style while young, there is no reason to inject botox in his face...
Be grateful for what God gave you, and grow old in style...that is all I have to say.

"Did you observe how all that enter the waters are female?" not all, cause I just saw a male sexual organ flashing in the pool...look closer...

Beauty is in the eyes of the I am told.
There is a debate between Socrates and one of his mates on Beauty and in the end none of them could define beauty. Why? Because it cannot be defined; although (as I said) we all know how it looks like.

Excellent article, EC!


Eye Candy said...

~Salutations Jean-Luc!~

Perhaps currently the youthful transformations are lost from over-treating the water?

Eye Candy said...

~Greetings and salutations Max~

I agree this image is fascinating! It is like a buffet of potential conversations.

Perhaps the intent of what the models are desired for has adapted. Maybe in the past models were beautiful because that beauty was deemed necessary to attract persons to the clothes. Then today it could be that models are chosen for unsatisfactory appearances so they do not distract away from the clothing.

Models in the multiverse are all gorgeous with the odd exception of some with peculiar looks that will purposely draw attention to the art that adorns them. For your information models in the multiverse are called a “shroud-kiss”.

Youth for SOL 3 humans seems a life of turmoil and mercurial behavior. It seems you have provided an accurate portrayal.

Beauty is not halted by ageing yet as you say many humans partake in extraordinary activities to attempt to be “youthful” much of which seems folly while they ignore things in life that can make a true lasting difference.

Define: “Be grateful for what God gave you”

I have scanned a large image of this art and only see females in the pool. Furthermore I have consulted literary works based upon this art and they confirm they are all female. Where is the male you see in the pool? Is it a hermaphrodite?

Your words “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” is striking!!! Perhaps then beauty has nothing to do with the visible appearances of persons or objects but is instead a revelation of the state of the “heart” of persons. The view on what is beautiful speaks more of the judge than the one being appraised.

Thank you for your kind congratulation wise woman.

Bob Johnson said...

Eye Candy, you don't watch enough TV, on SOL 3 beauty is described quite a lot there, just an FYI,(For Your Information), there is a lot of helpful instructions on how to be beautiful, helps us out a lot.

Eye Candy said...

~Greetings Bob Johnson~

You are most informative!

Indeed I have been in actuality attempting to merge the local SOL 3 “TV” within the Hyper-network (FYI Multiverse communications system) so as to attempt to ascertain a Hyper-network Score (FYI media ratings). There are major compatibility issues and I am a journalist not an engineer. Plus they routinely break media rules of the Multiverse.

For example the top subject classification in the Multiverse is of course gossip! Well here on SOL 3 they are rank amateurs! I am a top ranked Award Winning Gossip Hound!

I must admit that I am often puzzled by the media programming on SOL 3. For example the network system You Tube is so mercurial and erratic it is as a youth itself, it seems quite mad at times. (FYI Never mind that they would never be allowed in the Sublime Hegemony Communication Sodality. FYI the most prestigious Multiverse media association).

I will take your advice and attempt to observe beauty in the SOL 3 media. However it seems that classification of “beauty” says more about the beholder than the subject observed.

Thank you space-observer-hound.

TX said...

I saw you had paid me a visit so I thought I would find out more about you

Astro Galaxy said...

The picture blends well with the post!
To me, nature is beauty.
Humans with kind hearts & thoughts are also beauty.
Beauty can sometimes be invisible to the eye...
Pretty much agree with what Max said "Be grateful for what God gave you, and grow old in style...that is all I have to say."

Eye Candy, I am very impressed with your writtings and find your blog very unique. So I've created your link on my blog.
Good day!

The Social Reformer said...

lol @ the people behind the shrubbery haha said...

Greetings and salutations, eye candy! Just visiting from your visit to my blog! I left a comment there in response to your comment. Blessings!

Purple Cat said...

great article. i love your blog!

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